About us

Who We Are

Bios Green Energy Solutions Inc. is an oil field service Company that specializes in unlocking "unrecoverable" oil throughout Canada using a breakthrough technology called Organic Oil Recovery (OOR). At a low cost, OOR recovers trapped oil, increases oil production, and alters production declines that have plagued the oil industry for over 100 years by creating for the first-time micro oil droplets that can now move through tight reservoir rock spaces.
OOR reduces the interfacial tension between formation water, rock and oil, and liberates trapped oil. Bios Green Energy Solutions Inc. holds the Canadian rights to this proprietary and patented technology that has been applied in over 300 well treatments on 48 commercial oil fields globally, resulting in an average increase in production of 92%.


Only 35% of the world’s oil discovered is ever produced by oil companies. 65% of the world’s oil resource is trapped in existing oil fields.


Green Energy Solutions Inc. has a propitiatory technology to retrieve this trapped oil using microbes.

Organic Oil Recovery (OOR) is a new direction in enhanced oil recovery. It is a breakthrough of low cost, no CAPEX requirement, oil recovery. OOR offers oil operators an advanced, state-of-the-art secondary or tertiary oil recovery technology. Combining petroleum engineering and breakthrough biotechnology, OOR produces more oil, lowers lifting cost and allows the optimization of a field’s potential. OOR provides field operators with an improved return-on-expenditure and an opportunity to increase production at a very low cost per incremental barrel.
65% of the world's oil is trapped in existing oil fields. Bios Green Energy Solutions Inc.’s OOR, with its micro-droplet technology, can assist in the recovery of a substantial amount of the world's trapped oil.
Applied through existing water-flood operations, OOR works entirely within the natural ecology of the oil reservoir by selectively stimulating particular species of the formation's resident microbes with custom-formulated, biodegradable and organic nutrients. The targeted microbes proliferate as a result of these specialized nutrients and then interact with immobile, trapped oil, affecting the surface tension and reducing the globules to unique microscopic droplets – micro droplets. These micro droplets alter the interfacial tension between oil and water to allow oil to flow more freely through the reservoir to the producing wells. The photos above depict microbial activity and the formation of a smaller droplet from a larger oil droplet. The new smaller droplet will also be deformed into smaller droplets as well. This simple change in the oil reservoir is a major and unprecedented breakthrough in oil recovery technology.